Saturday 6 November 2010

Two New Advertising Spots for Black Ops

Two New Advertising Spots for Black Ops

With a big thanks to forum user and regular news-tipper khush33, we have a couple new TV spots for Black Ops. The first advertisement is for the Black Ops Edition Jeep Wrangler and can be seen below.

The second advertising spot comes courtesy of Wal-Mart and can be seen below. We’ve only got a few days left until launch and a ton of fun stuff planned for the next few weeks, before and after Black Ops hits shelves on November 9th. Be sure to check out our forum and get to know some of the community members, and see what we’re all about over there.

Thanks for checking in with us!

View the original article here

Best Buy Chats with Black Ops Developers

Best Buy Chats with Black Ops Developers

Earlier today, Best Buy hosted a live chat with Black Ops developers Dan Bunting and David Vonderhaar. There were a lot of great transcriptions below. We weren’t able to get in on the even, but we believe we have a full transcript below. This transcript comes courtesty of kirby` over at the official Call of Duty Forum.

ThisGuy107 – What is the hardest thing about making a game that looks this great!?
DanBu – Great question ThisGuy107. I would say the hardest thing about making games like this is having to cut features that you love. We had a ton of fun making this game, and it’s a lot of hard work.

noobeffect – Will PC players see numbers or bars in the ping/latency column on the scoreboard?
DavidVo – Hi Noob. PC gamers have a ping column on the scoreboard. It refreshes really fast.

Jarsh019 – Are canadians in BO?
DanBu – Hi Jarsh. Only in the online lobbies.

karamvir – What level are you guys in Blackops currently :p
DanBu – Karamvir… I’m max prestige 15. But that’s only because I cheated.
DavidVo – Level 50, Prestige 15 of course on my main profile. But, most others are in the mid 20s. We are always starting fresh profiles to keep testing the rank progression.

apocalyptix81 – what server settings can we change on a ranked server on the pc side?
DavidVo – I saw a recent version of RCON. It’s a lot of settings for both rented ranked and even more for unrented ranked. I am working with @pcdev to get the FAQ updated. We haven’t released the full list but I think most PC server admins should be satisfied. Sorry, I mean a lot for rented UNRANKED.

Dispy – What took the longest time to make in Black ops (no spoilys please )
DanBu – Adding the currency system to the game was one of our biggest changes and took the longest time to implement and tune. It was a big change, but it was worth the effort and time put into it for sure.

the_FPS_KING – I totally would teach you something about FPSes if you gave me a chance lol…anyways, @David – Your twitter bio says “Just remember, when the game comes out we thought of it first.” Is this in reference to an aspect of the game that hasn’t been revealed yet? And if so, will you elaborate? Plz
DavidVo – I am sure you would. Honestly, I get asked this question a lot but have never answered it. The truth is pretty simple. A lot of people like to speculate and I like to wind them up. That simple.

chitownforlife – Will barebones PC use pistols as a secondary weapon?
DavidVo – Barebones is no different on the PC than it is on the consoles. Right now, we have all secondary weapons being available and most of those weapons are pistols. But it’s not specfically limited to pistols. Don’t fret tho. Most launchers need a lock on making them not so great vs infantry.

Lamonte – is FOV changeable in the pc version?.
DavidVo – Yes it is. The last time I looked at it personally you could take it to 80.

BlackhawkDDL – Unranked or Ranked for tatical realism servers on the pc?
DavidVo – For a PC gamer, I would think you would be happier with Unranked. Ranked does have hardcore and barebones, however. That’s fairly tatical in nature.

satansspawn – On PC can we run 9v9 on all game types or are we restricted for s&d
DavidVo – Absolutely. Most of the official ranked servers are set up this way right now.

F0dd3r – Would Treyarch be willing to balance perks, killstreaks and weapons post launch if they are deemed overpowered by the community?
DanBu – Hey F0dd3r. Absolutely. It’s always a controversial move to balance features post-launch… But, Treyarch has always been a big proponent of listening to the community and making changes that are popular.

ThisGuy107 – Is there any new features or changes to the online network that will either improve connection quality or make it easier for friends to play with each other?
DavidVo – Many to help you play with Friends. All versions of the game have a built in Friends list, for example. This can often be quicker than using the PSN or Xbox versions (for example).

LevelUpAdrian – I’ve purchased a ranked server for the PC version – if that’s full on launch night, is there a way to remotely kick people?
DanBu – Yo Adrian! Yes, you will be able to kick and ban from your ranked servers.

razdor – How will wager matches work on the PC? will it use dedicated servers that are up by Treyarch? if so, what will happen if all the slots in those servers are taken at one point?
DavidVo – We have officially ranked Wager Match servers. Once the 6 fill up, the server doesn’t allow anymore in. Think of it like a Dedicated Server with 6 slots.

Lionmouth – Will PC users be able to edit their MP configuration. If so, how in-depth (edit crosshair placement, fov, tweak Aim-Down-Scope settings)?
DanBu – You can edit the same configs that you’ve always been able to edit, but those changes are not supported by Treyarch.

Ovanite – What are the doing to keep the online multi from becoming a knife fest with every one using the commando perk.?
DavidVo – Great question. We don’t actually have the Commando perk in Call of Duty Black Ops.

ABC_Darth_Rogue – Can we create mixed playlists such as CTF and S&D on the same ranked server? Will the admin tool be included with the game or third party like RCON? Will you be allowing Steam to permit users who pre-purchase the game to pre-load the game files to avoid long download times?
DavidVo – You can tell the server which base Playlist and then you can do exclusions. So as long as we have a playlist with mixed modes, you’ll be able to customize from their. For example: Ditching a map you don’t want in rotation.

capzlol – Im really only going to play this game if its competitive and it probably wont be competitive until mod tools are out. So what time do you think mod tools will be released?
DanBu – No ETA on mod tools release yet…. The game will ship with highly competitive modes like hardcore, barebones, and any number of custom game modes that you create in the Custom Games editor. You’ve also got Wager Match which is crazy intense…. Most competitive I’ve felt playing a game in years.

papasmurf – im unsure about the reporting a cheat feature, how will you be able to look at thousands of reports? and what do you have inplace for bogus reports?
DanBu – What up Smurf… So, we have people at Treyarch who have a full-time job of monitoring all of the games you guys play… They also review the stats for cheaters reported by the game and cheaters reported by other players. There are all sorts of secret magical things happening behind the scenes to track cheaters.

blackmamba18 – So, I am more of a sniper…but I am really aggravated when one weapon type is 10x better and easier to use. Can you please explain how shotguns are being made into a balancd primary weapon?>
DavidVo – We have always felt that Shotguns are better as primary weapons instead of secondaries so you have to give up any hope of winning a mid or long range battle. It’s true they are deadly at close range for sure. But that doesn’t mean you can’t win if you have an assault rifle or smg. Remember they often have far less ammo or they have the rechamber time. Also, shotguns have fewer attachments than other weapons available to them.

Linage – In the FAQ thread on the forums in the PC section it said the Max players have not been finalized but that was some time ago. Is there now an answer to the Max amount of players we can have in Ranked and unranked servers on PC?
DanBu – Hello Linage… Current player counts are set to 18 players max on ranked and 24 on unranked, but these numbers are always tunable post-launch. We’ll be aggressively supporting the title post-launch.

Thanks for stopping by, be sure to stick around as we continue to count the days down until Black Ops. We’re under a week now, and very happy to be there. Check out the forum if you’re interested, a ton of Black Ops discussion there and oftentimes the news hits the forum before it gets a chance to make its way to the front page. See you next time!

View the original article here

7 Ways to Be Prepared for Black Ops

7 Ways to Be Prepared for Black Ops

Hello, all! Today we’re proud to bring you a piece written by our own senior forum moderator, Sinan. Sinan was kind enough to take this assignment, even though English is not his native language. He chose today, to focus on 7 ways that gamers can get prepared for November 9th. There are only 7 days left today! In one week, Black Ops will hit the shelves. So, what do you need to do to get prepared? Take it away, Sinan!

Only 7 days left. 7 long days before  Black Ops hits shelves on November 9th..Today, we are highlighting  7 ways to  get prepared for Call of Duty: Black Ops. We want to be ready for his masterpiece, don’t we? Okay, here are the 7 things you can do to get ready for D-Day of the gamers!!

Play Treyarch’s previous Call of Duty game, W@W, by this way, you can experience what Treyarch did to raise the bar from their previous CoD game and you can get an idea of what to expect. And also you’ll have an idea about  Reznov’s background. Viktor Reznov is a Russian squad leader of the Red Army in Call of Duty: World at War during World War II. He is also confirmed to play a major part in Call of Duty: Black Ops by Treyarch.

You don’t want to wait a very long line to get this game. What to do? Just pre order the Game. You can pre order Regular Edition, Hardened edition with 4 additional zombie maps or you can pre order Prestige edition, every gamers dream edition. This edition will feature a scaled down Rc-Xd remote controlled car. If you haven’t pre ordered it yet, check our Pre-Order page to get an idea.

Yes, rewatch all the Trailers, gameplay videos and footages that Treyarch has released so far to familiarize yourself with the game. We have seen lots of different maps multiple times. Watching trailers a couple of times might give you an advantage in multiplayer mode in first few days after the games release.

Stock!! You don’t want to get out and waste your time buying water and food when you could be playing One in The Chamber or experiencing new guns and perks.. And also do not forget to call your parents, girlfriend/boyfriend about you will be playing Black Ops next 20 hours. Do not make them wonder where are you..! You don’t want to break up with your girl friend for this game. Or do you!? If you don’t want, let them know what you will be doing for a long time. And also if you are working, call your boss and act like you are sick, get a two day break and PLAY!! (Just kidding, haha!)

Do not forget to check your favorite Black Ops site everyday. We will be posting a new count-down article each day. Also we are going to continue to bring you latest news related with BO. Also do not forget to sign-up to our forums. At our forums, we are discussing lots of different topics, so you might want to check there. And you can meet with all the cool writers and mods ( including the author of this one) and chat with them!!!

Have you ever wanted to meet with someone who makes video games that you play 20 hours a day? Well, if you live in the UK, like house music and want to meet Black Ops’ lead multiplayer designer, you’re lucky! David Vonderhaar is heading to London for Black Ops launch night, and is looking to meet up with a few CoD fans one evening this week. Head over to his thread on the CoDHQ for more info!…rimal91u02

We all know that Nazi Zombies in World at War was extremely addictive and fun to play, and stand still, that mode was a last minute addition to game. Developers had very little time when they were making Nazi Zombies in Waw and it was very good. Now they had an entire year to make it perfect. You may want to play Zombies in Waw again to prepare yourself to mysteries of Black Ops Zombies!!!!

And this is the end of our ‘7 ways to get ready for Black Ops’ Do not forget to read tomorrows article!! And Join our Forums!!!

P.S: Thanks for our forum admins Ed, Nate and Mike for their help. Also thanks to our Forum moderator Jamie for his helps too..

Be sure to stop by each week as we count the days off, one by one, until Black Ops is finally in our hands. That day can not come soon enough!

View the original article here

4 Ways that Black Ops Improves Upon Modern Warfare 2

4 Ways that Black Ops Improves Upon Modern Warfare 2

Welcome to the next article in our Countdown Series. As you can see, we are now only 4 days from the release of what potentially could be another record-breaking game, following in the footsteps of Modern Warfare 2 which was released only one year ago. The excitement we are feeling is much the same as this time last year, when we were so close to the release of Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare 2. Before we kick off with this article, let’s remind ourselves of the success of last year’s Call of Duty game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was certainly one of the most hyped games in history. In the build up to release, you couldn’t watch TV or use the Internet without adverts and commercials enticing you to buy the game. As a result, many, many millions of people were enticed. In the first 5 days of release, Modern Warfare 2 had smashed Grand Theft Auto IV’s previous record, earning a revenue of around $550 million. By January 2010, it had taken over $1 billion in sales.

So, with the game being such a massive hit with the entire world, is it possible that these records and benchmarks set by Infinity Ward could be met, or possibly even improved upon? Well, it was reported a while back that Black Ops had surpassed Modern Warfare 2's pre-order numbers, and while this hints at a possible record-breaker, pre-orders officially account for nothing.

However, even though the huge sales would not suggest this, Modern Warfare 2 quickly fell out of favour with many players. Whilst the game itself was undeniably excellent, after a few weeks, several new issues became apparent as players moved through the levels, including weapon imbalances, killstreak and perk combinations, and of course, boosting. Infinity Ward did begin to combat these problems, but after a dispute with producers Activision, many of the staff were fired or quit, meaning there was not much of a team remaining to release patches.

Now, on with the article. As the title suggests, we are going to look at four of the main ways that Black Ops may improve on Modern Warfare 2, not necessarily in sales, but more likely in gameplay.

One of the key issues that arose in Modern Warfare 2 is Multiplayer balance. Several weapons were, and still are, deemed as being ‘overpowered’, and some perk and killstreak combinations can frustrate players. Treyarch seems to have taken the community’s views into account when designing their Multiplayer, and this is reflected in several changes that they have made.

Weapon balance – David Vonderhaar has stated that every gun has it’s own advantages and disadvantages, and that higher levelled players who have access to more guns will not have any clear advantage based on the weapons they can choose.Killstreak balance – Remember the infamous Predator-Harrier-Chopper Gunner killstreak combo in Modern Warfare 2? Many players did not like the fact that when someone got a 5-killstreak, they just went and camped and let their Predator and Harrier jet do the work for them to get their Chopper Gunner or AC-130. Say goodbye to this in Black Ops, as kills you earn from killstreak rewards to do count to your killstreak, meaning that you must kill with your weapons or equipment to advance to the next killstreak reward.Perk balance – There were a fair few perks, and perk combinations, that received a lot of negative comments from the CoD community. Commando is one in particular, which enables the player to have an abnormally large knifing distance. The One Man Arm & Danger Close combination was also hated my many, which allowed users to constantly refill their explosives supply. The Black Ops perks have been reworked by a team at Treyarch Studios to ensure balance is retained. Notable factors that will please many people are; Commando, One Man Army, and Danger Close have all been removed, Scavenger now only replaces ammunition and equipment (no Grenade Launchers!), and Flak Jacket will protect you from most explosions. Get suited up with Flak Jacket!

Most people should now know about the new level of customisation is Black Ops. However, for the few people who are not aware of this, let’s recap. Treyarch have gone to new lengths to find suitable customisation options for their new Call of Duty title. Let’s have a look in a bit more detail at what we can expect to see in Black Ops;

First of all, the Perk One tier decides how your character looks, rather than the gun you choose. So if you choose Ghost, you will be wearing a ghillie suit, regardless of what gun you select. This now allows someone who wants to use an assault rifle to crawl around in long grass undetected.Titles and emblems are now gone. However, fully customisable emblems will be introduced, and a wide selection of backgrounds will be available, so your Player Card can be truly unique.Level 16 – The emblem you create can be stamped onto your gun.Level 19 – Your clan tag can be etched onto your weapon once you reach.Level 22 – All of Black Ops’ new camouflages are unlocked, and can be purchased in any order – no headshot challenges required. The golden camouflage makes a return.Level 25 – Red-dot and Reflex sights can be customised – both the reticle (dot) shape and the reticle colour can be customised. There are 7 reticle colours and over 30 different reticle shapes to choose from.Level 28 – The lens colour of your sight can also be changed. There are 6 lens coloursLevel 31 – Facepaints for your character are unlocked, and can be purchased in any order. There are over 20 different patterns.

All of this customisation will cost you your hard-earned CoD Points though, so make sure you spend them wisely! If you decide to Prestige, then you will lose everything except for any emblems you have created, including all of your CoD Points. Before Modern Warfare 2, many people were calling for a character customisation, but did not receive it – only customisable killstreaks and the regular headshot challenge camouflages were featured. Black Ops has seemingly answered this call.

A customised sight on an AUG

When it was announced that zombies would not make a reappearance in Modern Warfare 2, many players were disappointed, as the mode was certainly one of the most popular features of Call of Duty: World at War. However, we were promised a brand new co-op mode, called ‘Spec-Ops’, which could be played alone or with a friend online or via splitscreen. Many people enjoyed this game mode, but it did not have much replayability – once every mission was completed on Veteran, most people never played Spec-Ops again, because it seemed to lack the fun element that zombies had.

Zombies are back in Black Ops though, and they’re bigger than ever before! Three brand new zombie maps will ship with every edition of the game, including the brand new Dead Ops Arcade mode. Also, the Hardened and Prestige Editions will ship with a code that enables you to download the four World at War zombie maps, which have been updated to work with Treyarch’s improved game engine, and also features the new Black Ops weapons.

Please note that there has been a lot of leaked footage containing a significant number of spoilers regarding zombies, zombie maps and the Dead Ops Arcade mode. This site does not report on leaked footage. So if you have seen leaked footage, or have read spoilers, then we would appreciate it if comments regarding this could be kept off the front page. Thank you :)

Nazi Zombies Return to Black Ops

Back to the article..!

Probably the biggest problem in Modern Warfare 2 was boosting. Players were able to use a Tactical Insertion to spawn wherever they choose, therefore being able to spawn right next to a friend on the other team, who would headshot the ‘Tactical Insertor’ to gain killstreaks, camouflages, or just boost their Kill:Death ratio. Players would often hide in twos or three in low-traffic areas maps to boost quickly.

When it was announced that the Tactical Insertion would be featured in Black Ops, there was an initial uproar from a lot of fans. The Multiplayer design directors were barraged with questions about boosting, but Treyarch responded calmly. They told the community of the measures that have been taken to ensure that players cannot use the Tactical Insertion to boost.

Tactical Insertions cannot be used in Free For All, where the majority of boosting was performedBoosting for CoD Points in Wager Matches will be almost impossible, because all players are randomly selected, meaning no parties allowed.Players cannot invite friends into certain game modes where boosting could be commonplace, such as Free For All.Most interestingly, players can report boosters in Black Ops to Treyarch, who will use the new Theatre mode to see if the reported player was indeed boosting. The booster’s 10 most recent games can be viewed by the team at Treyarch Studios, and if somebody is deemed to be boosting, they will be banned immediately.

After looking at this, Treyarch seem to have taken the right steps towards kicking boosting out of Call of Duty. Boosting ruined Modern Warfare 2's online leaderboards, which meant that your rank was not representative of your skill level, as most of the players towards the top of the leaderboards boosted to get their score.

Say goodbye to boosting!

So there you have it, four reasons why Black Ops could potentially be a better game than Modern Warfare, and possibly even surpass it’s sales records. For now, we can only look at what Treyarch and Activision have showed us, but Black Ops sure looks to take all the best features of Modern Warfare 2, such as gameplay, fun, and intensity, and remove all of the features that many people feel ruined the biggest entertainment launch of all time. We will have to wait until November 9th and beyond to see if Call of Duty: Black Ops is as balanced and fair as Treyarch say it is, but if I were you, I wouldn’t be too surprised if they were exactly right!

Remember to look out for tomorrow’s entry in the Countdown Series, and past articles can be viewed here. Also, check out the Forum where we have ongoing discussion about the upcoming Black Ops! Thank you for taking the time to read this article, we hope you come back soon!

View the original article here

Friday 5 November 2010

Brand New OXM Sharpshooter Video

Brand New OXM Sharpshooter Video

Hey everybody! Today, the guys at Official Magazine Magazine UK have uploaded a brand new gameplay video of a Black Ops Wager Match. The game in question is a ‘Sharpshooter’ match on the map ‘Radiation’. Whilst the player in the video does not perform too well, it certainly provides us with another insight into how the Sharpshooter Wager Match works, and how difficult it can be to do well with so few people on the map. Check out the full video, courtesy of OXM!

Thanks for checking in! We’ll be sure to bring you all of the news leading up to November 9th as it comes rolling in. Two weeks ago, we weren’t sure what the last week leading up to Black Ops would be like as far as news goes. We wondered, will there be a ton of news or will it be the calm before the storm?

We can see now that the news and info is going to keep rolling out at a very rapid pace, and we are more than prepared to keep on delivering the best quality articles, as soon as the news drops.

Thanks for visiting!

Source: OXM

View the original article here

Metallica to Headline Black Ops Event Plus GameSpots MP Walkthrough

Metallica to Headline Black Ops Event Plus GameSpots MP Walkthrough

It was recently learned that the California hard rock legends Metallica are set to headline Treyarch/Activisions Black Ops Launch event. The event is scheduled to take place on November 4th, just a couple days away, in Santa Monica, California.

Alongside Metallica’s performance, the event will also feature a salute to the 6 branches of the United States Armed Forces and will raise $1 million for the Call of Duty Endowment. If you are unfamiliar, the Call of Duty Endowment is a public benefit corporation founded by Activision-Blizzard that helps soldiers in their conversion back to civilian life. Many soldiers, upon returning home from service, find that they are having a difficult time in transitioning from a military career into a civilian career. The CoD Endowment aims to assist these soldiers in settling down.

We’ll be sure to post any coverage available of the event, and wrap up all that we learn and are able to see, as well as any clips of Kirk and James’ mind-bending solos.

The good folks over at GameSpot were lucky enough to get a hands-on with Black Ops’ multiplayer and have posted a walkthrough of their experiences. Check out the full video below, courtesy of GameSpot.

Thanks for checking in, as always! Be sure to head over to the community forum for some great Black Ops discussion.

Source: Activision | GameSpot

View the original article here

Gunnar Optiks’ Black Ops Glasses

Gunnar Optiks’ Black Ops Glasses

American eyewear designer and manufacturer, Gunnar Optiks, is set to relase a custom designed pair of Black Ops Gaming Glasses. Gunnar designs high-grade digital eyewear for many applications, specifically for gaming. Dan Amrich, aka OneOfSwords, recently posted a great entry into his blog talking about the glasses and including several pictures.

Why would you need gaming glasses? Gunnar’s digital eyewear provides a more clear contrast and visual detail, an improvement in visual performance and has provided an increase in productivity in business environments. In a gaming sense, Gunnar’s line of eyewear increases the visual quality of the image on your TV screen or PC monitor and should assist in your performance accordingly.

Here are a few images, courtesy of OneOfSwords.

What are your thoughts on Gunnar’s Black Ops Eyewear? Planning on picking up a pair? Gunnar should be releasing some more info soon, as well as pricing and retail locations. Thanks for checking in!

Check out OneOfSwords for more images and the original blog entry!

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